Valchromat - Colored MDF


Valchromat is a highly-refined, colored-throughout wood fiber providing new and exciting material for store fixture, architectural woodwork, and cabinet applications. Valchromat can be routed (without subsequent sanding) to reveal an edge similar to the surface.

As the exclusive importer of Valchromat products in the Unitesd States and Canada we maintain an extensive inventory of colors and thicknesses for immediate shipment as well as offering direct mill shipments from the factory in Portugal to distributors across the country.

For complete information about the Valchromat product line, please see the manufacturer's website :

Viroc - Colored Cementitious


D &M is the sole authorized importer and distributor of Viroc in the United States. Viroc is a colored-through cementitious fiberboard manufactured in Portugal to strict European Standards.  It has a wide range of both indoor and outdoor applications and provides the look standard woodworking machinery and installed in a fraction of the cost of concrete. 

For complete details on Viroc and images of Viroc in a wide variety of applications, please see and